Tuesday, February 24, 2009


You well never guess what lives in your eyelashes!

Demodex folliculorium which are also known as demodicid are mites that are less than 0.4mm long.These creatures live in pores,hair and usually on the nose,forehead,,cheek,and chin,and mostly in the roots of eyelashes.It has small claws and have needlelike mouthparts for eating the skin cells.Their bodies are layered with scales.These help them hold themselves to the follicle.Mites digestive system has so little waste that they do not even have an excretory opening.Therefore,when you go to sleep on a pillow thousands of dust mists live there.Not to worry they keep our homes clean by eating the tens of millons of skin cells we shed every day.Mites live head-down in a follicle.If there are too many mites in the same follicle,it may cause an eyelash to fall out.One female mite may lay 25 eggs in a single follicle.As they get older the follice get tightly packed.Then when they are fully grown they find a different follicle,mate and have eggs of their own.This process takes between 14 to 18 days.Demodes are not harmfull although they are associated with blackheads,acne and other skin disorders they are not the cause.Large numbers of these creatures may cause itching and skin disorders.In my Opinion,I think that mists are cool and just plain wierd.I never imagined that somthing can live in an eyelash it is so small you will not think anything lives there,it still wierd to think that their laying eggs in your eyelash and body.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obama visits Canada


On Thursday President Obama visited Ottawa,Ontario which was his first foreign trip.He had a meeting with Prime Minister Stephan Harper to talk about economic and military issues.The two talked about remedies for global warming, and the struggle against the Taliban and Al Qaeda elements in Afghanistan.Canada has about 2,800 troops in Afganistan.The Parliment has voted to take all the troops out in 2011. The Canadian government says that 7 million American jobs depend on trade with Canada.In my Opinion I think that Obama will do a better job than Bush.I do not get the point of the war in Afghanistan?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The first roller coaster


Every summer millons go to amusement parks for the best ride of all the rollercoaster,but were did it all start?Believe it or not, the first roller coaster was a hand-carved block of ice.In the 15th century in the frozen mountainous of Russia, the natives made the first amusement ride.Thuey wouldclimb smooth ice mountains paths that had no trees.Then they will break away the ice blocks.They would cover the icy seats with blanket and slide down.During the Mid 1800's a Pennsylavania coal mining company made a small gravity powered cart that was used on the railway to take coal to its destination.Roller coasters crashed after Wall Street crashed. they were reborn when Disneyland opened.Roller coasters are the safest rides in the amusment parks.In my Opinion I think sliding down a mountain is dangerous.How bored could they have been,but I am grateful for their idea of the rollercoaster.

Students are eyewitness to historic moment


Students and staff from South Brunswick High School were among the two millon people who went to the Mall of America to witness a historic presidantail inauguration in the capital Washington.DC. Forty-four students and six chaperones in the SBHS history club went to the inugration. The club held fundraisers since the school year began to pay for the trip.The trip was $525 per student. They left on Jan.18 for the nation capital. The students and staff got up at 4 o'clock on the morning of the inauguration.This historical event is very important to the club. In my opinion I think that it is cool t hat they got to go.I wish we could have all went.