Monday, September 21, 2009

by:Jeanna Breyer

Friday, September 18, 2009

Man-sized Dinosaur was a tiny T.Rec

We always thought that the T-rex was the one and only of its kind but,a new find has changed that theroy. A miniture tyrannosauras;It may have been tiny but it had the same fierce features of its bigger cousin.Moreover,the newly discovered dinosaur is not a T-rex but, a turanosaurid.It lived tens of millions of years earlier than its mighty cousin.Weighing in at a measley 150 pounds with a body length of just 9 feet(2.7cm).This new find remians unearthed in the northeast of China .Likewise,cientistist found that the Tyranosaurid(Raptorex)had tiny forelimbs,long legs for quick runnig,powerful jaw muscles,an oversized head,and an enlarged olfactory bulbs that suggestes that this predetor had an expert sense of smell."Many of these traits have never been found in anything but the big brutes"said Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago.All in All i think that this dicovery is intresting but, what if this is a baby dinosuar?.
