Friday, December 11, 2009

Interviwing an Oceanographer


I interviewed "Lena Delta" an oceanographer.On my "T.V Channel" C.E.C (College Education Channel).On her boat we talked about her job.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Burning Suger

This week in class we did a lab on burning suger.We placed a test tube containing two suger cubes in the flame.In this lab we learned what occures when suger is burned. Soon the buttom of the test tube began to burn so did the suger its self and smoke was coming out from the top of the test tube.After the burnt suger cooled,we observed it.The new substance was a brown-black color.The hardness was somewhat dense and solid and the texture was rough,hard and smooth.In the end my group learned that the suger was not still present because when suger is burnt it turnes into ash and the water in the suger dissolves.In my opinion I think this lab was fun and it help me better understand pysical and chimical changes.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nearly 3 Dozen Planets Found
By-Andrea Thompson

Ever wondered if there are more planest oustide of this solor system.? Well Astronomers announced the discovery of 32 extrasolor planets.Some are five times the mass of Earth and the others are five times heftier than the biggest planet in our solor system Jupiter.Therefore,in class we are studing density which has to do with mass.These new planests were found with the HARPS(High Accuacy Velocity Planet Searcher) spectrograph on the European Southern Observatory's.The HARPS program survayed about 2,000 stars for five years.The particular aim is for looking at solar-type stars for low-mass planets .In my opinion I think this is a great find.These new findings can help us find planets exactly like our own so one day we can explore it and live on it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

by:Jeanna Breyer

Friday, September 18, 2009

Man-sized Dinosaur was a tiny T.Rec

We always thought that the T-rex was the one and only of its kind but,a new find has changed that theroy. A miniture tyrannosauras;It may have been tiny but it had the same fierce features of its bigger cousin.Moreover,the newly discovered dinosaur is not a T-rex but, a turanosaurid.It lived tens of millions of years earlier than its mighty cousin.Weighing in at a measley 150 pounds with a body length of just 9 feet(2.7cm).This new find remians unearthed in the northeast of China .Likewise,cientistist found that the Tyranosaurid(Raptorex)had tiny forelimbs,long legs for quick runnig,powerful jaw muscles,an oversized head,and an enlarged olfactory bulbs that suggestes that this predetor had an expert sense of smell."Many of these traits have never been found in anything but the big brutes"said Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago.All in All i think that this dicovery is intresting but, what if this is a baby dinosuar?.


Monday, May 18, 2009

October Sky

The movie October Sky was greatly connected to Science and Math.Also character education traits are showed in this inspering movie.A science/ math connection is when Homer and Quentin proved their innocence by using math.During on of their luanches the boys luanch a rocket that flies very high.The rocket falls in the a forest soon the boys are acussed of starting a fire near the mine shacks.They order the boys to burn the shack they use to build rockets.With the help of his new found freind Quentin they prove their innocence by using algebra.Homer explains that accourding to his calculations the rocket could not have went the distance they climed based on the exiliration.The boys even use math calculations to retrace were the rockets fell so they can show the police the evidence.Character is very important in this movie.The character triat that showed the most is assertion.For example,in the movie the boys failed more than once and they still kept trying their and their persiverence payed of by helping them enter the science fair and leaving helping them leave Coalwood to go to college.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Canavan disorder

Canaven Disease is rare .Discovered in 1931 there have been only 30 reported cases in the United States ,but one in five thousand Ashkenazi Jews are diagnosed.This disorder is most common in children of Jewish decent. A child with canaven disease may experience many symptoms.For example ,lack of head control ,reduced visual responsiveness and abnormal muscle tone.Likewise at the molecular level 17 chromosomes that causes a dificiency of an enzyme callled aspartocecylase.In order for a child to be affected they have to inherit one allele of the mutated gene from each parent.A life span of an infant withCanavan Disease does not live long.They will die before the age of four.When I read this blog it made me feel sad because those children with the disorder will not live for a long time.they will not even begin thier lifes.It makes me thankful for what I have.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Genetic Disorders(Dwarfism 411)

There are many disease in the World,but Dwarfism is well known around the world.Commonly known as midgits or little people the people with this disorder can live long lives.They have a normal intelligence.This disease was discovered in 1967 by Pierre Maroteaux .In Addition, the symptoms is complications is when the cartilage has difficulty converting to a bone mostly in ling bones.There is also the symptom of an enlarged head.Dwarfism is not a disease therefore there is no cure.In a world population a person in the shortest 3% of a population may be diagnosed with dwarfism.Ferthermore,the hieght thatis considerd very short depends on the average for a given population,as difined by gender, race and ethnicity.In the Molecular level dwarfism is caused by problems with the growth hormones,especially growth hormones.What I thought about this disorder is that it is sad that they are so short because they can live normal lives but it will not seem normal.They may not be able to do some things that normal hieght people can do.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You well never guess what lives in your eyelashes!

Demodex folliculorium which are also known as demodicid are mites that are less than 0.4mm long.These creatures live in pores,hair and usually on the nose,forehead,,cheek,and chin,and mostly in the roots of eyelashes.It has small claws and have needlelike mouthparts for eating the skin cells.Their bodies are layered with scales.These help them hold themselves to the follicle.Mites digestive system has so little waste that they do not even have an excretory opening.Therefore,when you go to sleep on a pillow thousands of dust mists live there.Not to worry they keep our homes clean by eating the tens of millons of skin cells we shed every day.Mites live head-down in a follicle.If there are too many mites in the same follicle,it may cause an eyelash to fall out.One female mite may lay 25 eggs in a single follicle.As they get older the follice get tightly packed.Then when they are fully grown they find a different follicle,mate and have eggs of their own.This process takes between 14 to 18 days.Demodes are not harmfull although they are associated with blackheads,acne and other skin disorders they are not the cause.Large numbers of these creatures may cause itching and skin disorders.In my Opinion,I think that mists are cool and just plain wierd.I never imagined that somthing can live in an eyelash it is so small you will not think anything lives there,it still wierd to think that their laying eggs in your eyelash and body.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obama visits Canada

On Thursday President Obama visited Ottawa,Ontario which was his first foreign trip.He had a meeting with Prime Minister Stephan Harper to talk about economic and military issues.The two talked about remedies for global warming, and the struggle against the Taliban and Al Qaeda elements in Afghanistan.Canada has about 2,800 troops in Afganistan.The Parliment has voted to take all the troops out in 2011. The Canadian government says that 7 million American jobs depend on trade with Canada.In my Opinion I think that Obama will do a better job than Bush.I do not get the point of the war in Afghanistan?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The first roller coaster

Every summer millons go to amusement parks for the best ride of all the rollercoaster,but were did it all start?Believe it or not, the first roller coaster was a hand-carved block of ice.In the 15th century in the frozen mountainous of Russia, the natives made the first amusement ride.Thuey wouldclimb smooth ice mountains paths that had no trees.Then they will break away the ice blocks.They would cover the icy seats with blanket and slide down.During the Mid 1800's a Pennsylavania coal mining company made a small gravity powered cart that was used on the railway to take coal to its destination.Roller coasters crashed after Wall Street crashed. they were reborn when Disneyland opened.Roller coasters are the safest rides in the amusment parks.In my Opinion I think sliding down a mountain is dangerous.How bored could they have been,but I am grateful for their idea of the rollercoaster.

Students are eyewitness to historic moment

Students and staff from South Brunswick High School were among the two millon people who went to the Mall of America to witness a historic presidantail inauguration in the capital Washington.DC. Forty-four students and six chaperones in the SBHS history club went to the inugration. The club held fundraisers since the school year began to pay for the trip.The trip was $525 per student. They left on Jan.18 for the nation capital. The students and staff got up at 4 o'clock on the morning of the inauguration.This historical event is very important to the club. In my opinion I think that it is cool t hat they got to go.I wish we could have all went.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton was born in England on Christmas day.Later he studied at the Cambridge and was a proffessor of Mathematics. Sir newton most Important discoveries were made during the time of working at Cambridge.He discovered the law of universal gravitation,calculus,and discovered that white light is made up of all the colors of the spectrum.Sir Isaac Newton summarized hid discoveries in his Philosophicae naturalis principia mathematica[Mathematical princeples of natural philosophy].In this he showed how his principle of universal gravitation provided explanation for motions of the planets and comets and many more.Newton died in 1727 by a bladder stone. He was a mathematician and a physicit.Sir Isaac Newton is considered by many the greatest scientist that ever lived. In my Opinion I think that Isaac Newton is a great scientist.To think that all this started with a simple apple on the head.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

There's a new planet in sight

Who-An international team of astronomers have made this discovery.

What-The astronomers have have discovered a new planet which is sligtly bigger than Jupiter.They did not need large telescopes.The new planet is currently called TrES-2.It's year is a little less than two and a half days.If you were on the planet you would feel a little more than twice as heavy compered to Earth.It is 1,500 celsius and there is nothing solid to stand on.

When -This infomation was not included.

Where-This infomation was not added to the article.

Why.This is important beacause it is good to find other planets.If they found a new planet there most be more that canhave life.

Opinion-In my OpinionI think that it is cool to find new planet so we can learn about them.I wonder what they will call it? I hope its not gas again like ''the planet pluto''

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Historic inauguration,28277,187820,00.html

Everyone looked to Washington, DC on Tuesday January 19,as Barack Obama was officially inaugurated the 44th President of the United States of America and the first African American to be President in America this was a historical moment for both African Americans and Whites.More than a million people crowded the National mall in the freezing temperature. This historical event took place on the steps of the capitol building. Joe Biden was sworn in first. Then it was time for Obama to be sworn in he placed his hand on the same Bible that Abraham Lincoln used at his fist Inauguration. At the end of the ceremony, the Obamas bid the Bushes farewell. Afther that the first family went to a luncheon. Then they went to a parade and 10 Inaugural balls only for the fist lady and the new president. On Wednesday, his work will begin.
In my Opinion this is a historical moment for America. Martin Luther King will be proud but we still have a long way a head of us. We all hope that we can find altinative energy for cars.