By-Andrea Thompson
Ever wondered if there are more planest oustide of this solor system.? Well Astronomers announced the discovery of 32 extrasolor planets.Some are five times the mass of Earth and the others are five times heftier than the biggest planet in our solor system Jupiter.Therefore,in class we are studing density which has to do with mass.These new planests were found with the HARPS(High Accuacy Velocity Planet Searcher) spectrograph on the European Southern Observatory's.The HARPS program survayed about 2,000 stars for five years.The particular aim is for looking at solar-type stars for low-mass planets .In my opinion I think this is a great find.These new findings can help us find planets exactly like our own so one day we can explore it and live on it.
Meme Creator
12 years ago
In this blog i liked how you compared the plants outside of our solar system to the inside of our solar system instead of just saying there was planets outside of our solar system.
I always new that there were planets outside the solar system but finding 32 at once is a lot. I wonder how many other planets there are outside of our solar system.
32 planets are a lot. All they have to do now is find if there is life on any of those planets. Great and a very interesting blog
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