Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton was born in England on Christmas day.Later he studied at the Cambridge and was a proffessor of Mathematics. Sir newton most Important discoveries were made during the time of working at Cambridge.He discovered the law of universal gravitation,calculus,and discovered that white light is made up of all the colors of the spectrum.Sir Isaac Newton summarized hid discoveries in his Philosophicae naturalis principia mathematica[Mathematical princeples of natural philosophy].In this he showed how his principle of universal gravitation provided explanation for motions of the planets and comets and many more.Newton died in 1727 by a bladder stone. He was a mathematician and a physicit.Sir Isaac Newton is considered by many the greatest scientist that ever lived. In my Opinion I think that Isaac Newton is a great scientist.To think that all this started with a simple apple on the head.

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