Monday, May 18, 2009

October Sky

The movie October Sky was greatly connected to Science and Math.Also character education traits are showed in this inspering movie.A science/ math connection is when Homer and Quentin proved their innocence by using math.During on of their luanches the boys luanch a rocket that flies very high.The rocket falls in the a forest soon the boys are acussed of starting a fire near the mine shacks.They order the boys to burn the shack they use to build rockets.With the help of his new found freind Quentin they prove their innocence by using algebra.Homer explains that accourding to his calculations the rocket could not have went the distance they climed based on the exiliration.The boys even use math calculations to retrace were the rockets fell so they can show the police the evidence.Character is very important in this movie.The character triat that showed the most is assertion.For example,in the movie the boys failed more than once and they still kept trying their and their persiverence payed of by helping them enter the science fair and leaving helping them leave Coalwood to go to college.

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