Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Artic Melt Season Getting Longer


With all the news going around about global warming,it comes to no surprise that the melt season in the artic is growing longer.Every year,a few of the sea ice melts in the summer and refreezes in the winter. Now a new NASA study shows the melt season is starting earlier and lasting longer.Usually the melt season starts the day in spring when ice stops frezing and melting is continous. The season ends when when the ice begins to freeze again.Furthemore,data shows the melt season increased,on average,more than six days per decade.These changes are most dramatic along ice pack edges at the lower latitudes.There, the melt season is as much as 40 days longer per decade. The changes in the melt season are accelerating because melting itself leads to more melting.Likewise, dark ocean water absorbs more solor energy than mirror-like ice.Therefore, an earlier melt season allows ocean water to soak up heat for a longer time,the extra heat delays refreezing,Moreover, I think that this article gives a sense of realizm as to what is happing to the ice in the much colder regions,yet cant this not be part of how the earth works?Greenhouse gases effect this rapid change, but can't the earth make its own defence mecanisim in order to protects itself?.Animals change the way they live to go along with the changes in their enviroment.Even though earth is not alive is has been changing for many milleniues.

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